Archie Quilt Along
Hello! I'm so excited to announce the Archie Quilt Along, beginning on October 24th, 2022. It's been over two years since I've hosted a quilt along and I'm so excited to be sewing Archie with you! It's by far one of my favorite patterns I've designed and I think will give us lots of opportunities to try new things and learn from each other!
You'll need to purchase the Archie pattern, found here.
Be sure to sign up to receive the newsletters that I'll be sending out with each week's prompt as well as any accompanying videos or lives I plan to do.
There will be weekly giveaways, and the winners will be chosen and announced on Instagram using the #archiequiltalong so be sure to post and tag your progress to be entered to win! Use the image below and post to your IG account using the #archiequiltalong tag to be entered to win the first week's prize! Your account must be public for us to see, and you have until October 28th at midnight CST to qualify.
I also have some Kits for Archie that are available while supplies last! Pop over to the Fabric tab to see what's in stock!
I'm so excited to sew with you!!