Log Cabin Love
I love old blocks. Actually, I love things steeped in tradition and lore. And the Log Cabin quilt block is no exception. One of the most interesting pieces of history I keep finding is that many times Log Cabin quilts were only tied and not quilted to be finished, as they were made with a variety of scraps with a wide range of weights, making handquilting nearly impossible! Isn't that fascinating?
Recently I found myself with a desperate need for some therapeutic sewing and a pile of leftover jelly roll scraps, and I decided to give myself over to making a couple of log cabin blocks.

I'd love to slowly add onto this over time and play around with orientation, because when you make them this way, with dark values on one side and lighter ones on the opposite, the possibilities are vast for what you can do...
There are a million *amazing* log cabin patterns out there, but if you're just wanting to play with a few scraps of your own, here's how to make a simple 14"x 14" block.
Log Cabin Block
What you'll need:
Strip sizes:
1 and 2 2.5"x 2.5"
3 and 4 2.5"x 4.5"
5 and 6 2.5"x 6.5"
7 and 8 2.5"x 8.5"
9 and 10 2.5"x 10.5"
11 and 12 2.5"x 12.5"
14 2.5"x 14.5"
How to assemble:
Sew in order! (refer to the diagram above)
- Sew 2 to 1. Press out towards 2.
- Sew 3 to the bottom of 1/2. Press out towards 3.
- Sew 4 to the left side of the unit. Press out towards 4.
- Sew 5 to the top of the unit. Press out towards 5.
- Continue with strips 6-14, continuing in a clockwise fashion.
Make as many of these blocks as you desire! 25 would make a 70"x 70" throw! I'm just going to be over here practicing all the self-control to keep from making a whole quilt myself right now!
Happy sewing!